

5305995533865 995533865 ISO4026-M10X30-45H 40002945

An externally threaded device whose threaded portion is of one nominal diameter with or without a head and having a cup, cone, or other type of machined point designed to prevent or restrict relative movement of parts and designed to be driven with either a wrench or inserted driver. A locking feature may be incorporated in the design of the head or threads. View more Setscrew

5305-99-553-3865 SETSCREW 5305995533865 995533865

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ISO4026-M10X30-45H 40002945 An externally threaded device whose threaded portion is of one nominal diameter
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your web browser . 5305-14-560-0188Setscrew5305145600188 145600188 ENISO4026-M10X30-45H-P2A ISO4026-M10X30-45H
45H-P2A I9006 - Comite Europeen De Normalisation (Active) Definitive Standard RNCC 2 RNVC 2 DAC 4 ISO4026-M10X30-45H

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