
Light Armored Vehicle

2355145652038 145652038 28009904

A self-propelled, wheeled, lightly armored, combat vehicle, with or without major and/or secondary armament. It is designed to rapidly deploy personnel, cargo, and the like for combat and tactical operations. It may have amphibious and off-the-road capability. Excludes CARRIER (as modified), TRUCK (as modified), and CAR, ARMORED. View more Light Armored Vehicle

2355-14-565-2038 LIGHT ARMORED VEHICLE 2355145652038 145652038

Managed by France
NSN Created on 23 Jul 2010
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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2355-14-565-2038 LIGHT ARMORED VEHICLE 2355145652038 145652038 1/1
NSN 2355-14-565-2038 (Generic Image) 1/1

2355-14-565-2038 Stock and Availability Marketplace 2355-14-565-2038

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Restrictions 2355-14-565-2038 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-23/fsc-2355 Combat, Assault, and Tactical Vehicles, Wheeled from France (FR) Oct 1997 2355-14-565-2038
May 1981 2355-14-490-5259 Light Armored Vehicle 2587-46RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 6 2 Oct 1997 2355-14-565-2038

2355-14-565-2038 Demil Restrictions 2355-14-565-2038


2355-14-565-2038 is a Light Armored Vehicle

2355-14-565-2038 End Users End Users 2355-14-565-2038

France (ZF)

2355-14-565-2038 Manufacturers Approved Sources 2355-14-565-2038

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