
Oil Paint

8010144093899 144093899 2-212-8-1-0006 25000F2-11

A paint that uses drying oil or drying oil modified with varnish as the principal nonvolatile component of the vehicle. The total drying oil content, including the oil in the varnish when varnish is used, must be greater than 75 percent, by weight, of the total nonvolatile portion of the vehicle. See also ENAMEL. Excludes PAINT,HEAT RESISTING; PAINT,STENCIL; PAINT,TRAFFIC; P AINT,ANTIFOULING and PRIMER COATING. View more Oil Paint

8010-14-409-3899 PAINT,OIL 8010144093899 144093899

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NSN Created on 28 May 1986
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2-212-8-1-0006 25000F2-11 A paint that uses drying oil or drying oil modified with varnish as the principal
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8010-14-409-3899 4+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-80/fsc-8010/fr 8010-14-409-3899
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Oil Paint 8010144093899 144093899 Day 8010-14-409-3899 RQST NE Related Documents https//www.nsnlookup.com
Products from France (FR) 28 May 1986 8010-14-506-7774 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-80/fsc-8010/fr 8010-14-409-3899
Oil Paint 8010144093899 144093899 RQST NE Related Documents https//www.nsnlookup.com https//www.nsnlookup.com
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8010-14-409-3899 is a Oil Paint

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