
Vest Life Preserver

4220150019751 150019751 10HIAF

A buoyant item designed to be worn as a vest, having no sleeves. It may have a collar. The buoyancy may be attained by a filler of buoyant material such as kapok, or inflation by gas and/or orally. See also LIFE PRESERVER, YOKE. View more Vest Life Preserver

4220-15-001-9751 LIFE PRESERVER,VEST 4220150019751 150019751

Managed by Italy
NSN Created on 22 Jul 2013
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Vest Life Preserver 4220150019751 150019751 Oct 2003 4220-15-001-9751 Autorespiratore Ad 32000100RNCC
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Vest Life Preserver 4220150019751 150019751 Giubbetto Sekumar 10HIAF-M A3312CLPALINURO402015TTREVORNCC
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Vest Life Preserver 4220150019751 150019751 Every Day 4220-15-001-9751 RQST NE Restrictions https
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-42/fsc-4220 Marine Lifesaving and Diving Equipment from Italy (IT) 16 Oct 2003 4220-15-001-9751

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Italy (ZR)

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