
Personnel Boat

1940270553838 270553838 KAAN-33 SINIFI SG BOTU

A high speed, V-bottom watercraft powered by an internal combustion engine driving a marine propeller. It has an integrally constructed cabin, and is equipped with seats for carrying personnel. View more Personnel Boat

1940-27-055-3838 BOAT,PERSONNEL 1940270553838 270553838

Managed by Turkey
NSN Created on 2 Dec 2011
Data Last Changed
July 2023
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1940-27-055-3838 BOAT,PERSONNEL 1940270553838 270553838 1/1
NSN 1940-27-055-3838 (Generic Image) 1/1

1940-27-055-3838 Stock and Availability Marketplace 1940-27-055-3838

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KAAN-33 SINIFI SG BOTU A high speed, V-bottom watercraft powered by an internal combustion engine driving
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RQST NE Updated Every Day 1940-27-055-3838 RQST Updated Every Day 1940-27-055-3838 RQST NE Related Documents
1940-00-937-9242 1940-66-034-0950 1940-22-622-8796 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-19/fsc-1940/tr 1940-27-055-3838
Personnel Boat 1940270553838 270553838 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-19/fsc-1940/uk 1940-99-693-1281 Personnel
034-0950 1940-22-622-8796 1940-14-529-8298 1940-27-046-0587 1940-27-043-2363 1940-27-036-5599 1940-27-055-3838
1940-66-034-0950 1940-22-622-8796 1940-14-529-8298 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-19/fsc-1940/tr 1940-27-055-3838
Personnel Boat 1940270553838 270553838 fsc-1940/uk 1940-99-693-1281 Personnel Boat 1940996931281
034-0950 1940-22-622-8796 1940-14-529-8298 1940-27-046-0587 1940-27-043-2363 1940-27-036-5599 1940-27-055-3838
Personnel Boat 1940270078361 270078361 529-8298 1940-27-046-0587 1940-27-043-2363 1940-27-036-5599 1940-27-055-3838
Personnel Boat 1940270145927 270145927 529-8298 1940-27-046-0587 1940-27-043-2363 1940-27-036-5599 1940-27-055-3838
Personnel Boat 1940270228585 270228585 529-8298 1940-27-046-0587 1940-27-043-2363 1940-27-036-5599 1940-27-055-3838
1940996931281 996931281 622-8796 1940-14-529-8298 1940-27-046-0587 1940-27-043-2363 1940-27-036-5599 1940-27-055-3838
1940006194019 006194019 622-8796 1940-14-529-8298 1940-27-046-0587 1940-27-043-2363 1940-27-036-5599 1940-27-055-3838
1940009379242 009379242 622-8796 1940-14-529-8298 1940-27-046-0587 1940-27-043-2363 1940-27-036-5599 1940-27-055-3838

1940-27-055-3838 Demil Restrictions 1940-27-055-3838


1940-27-055-3838 is a Personnel Boat

1940-27-055-3838 End Users End Users 1940-27-055-3838

Turkey (ZW)

1940-27-055-3838 Manufacturers Approved Sources 1940-27-055-3838

1940-27-055-3838 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 1940-27-055-3838