
Inflatable Mat Boat

1940123833044 123833044 1900007A-1000A TL1940-0028-B

A watercraft with shaped bow and hull which may or may not have a transom stern. It is constructed of inner and outer airtight fabric shells vulcanized together in such manner as to provide airtight compartments to be inflated and deflated via pneumatic check valves. Plywood floor panels and other rigid reinforcing elements may be incorporated. It is designed to be padded, towed, or outboard motor driven. Excludes BOAT, LANDING, INFLATABLE; BOAT RECONNAISSANCE, PNEUMATIC; LIFEBOAT, INFLATABLE; LIFE RAFT, INFLATABLE; and SURFBOARD, INFLATABLE. View more Inflatable Mat Boat

1940-12-383-3044 BOAT,INFLATABLE MAT 1940123833044 123833044

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 5 Oct 2010
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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1940-12-383-3044 BOAT,INFLATABLE MAT 1940123833044 123833044 1/1
NSN 1940-12-383-3044 (Generic Image) 1/1

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1900007A-1000A TL1940-0028-B A watercraft with shaped bow and hull which may or may not have a transom
Germany (DE) 4. 1940-12-383-3044 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
RQST NE Updated Every Day 1940-12-383-3044 RQST Updated Every Day 1940-12-383-3044 RQST NE Related Documents
Apr 1988 1940-12-359-7139 Inflatable Mat Boat 1940-00040RNCC: 6 | RNVC: 9 | DAC: 9 4 Mar 2003 1940-12-383-3044
120-2321 1940-12-383-3010 Inflatable Mat Boat 1940-00040RNCC: 6 | RNVC: 9 | DAC: 9 4 Mar 2003 1940-12-383-3044

1940-12-383-3044 Demil Restrictions 1940-12-383-3044


1940-12-383-3044 is a Inflatable Mat Boat

1940-12-383-3044 End Users End Users 1940-12-383-3044

Germany (ZG)

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