
Rigid Inflatable Boat

1940219212716 219212716 ZNA540-01RS

A watercraft with shaped bow and a rigid V bottom hull. It is constructed of inner and outer airtight fabric shells vulcanized together in such manner as to provide airtight compartments to be inflated and deflated via pneumetic check. The shells are fastened to topside of a rigid plastic, fiberglass, wooden hull. View more Rigid Inflatable Boat

1940-21-921-2716 BOAT,RIGID INFLATABLE 1940219212716 219212716

Managed by Canada
NSN Created on 10 Aug 2001
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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1940-21-921-2716 BOAT,RIGID INFLATABLE 1940219212716 219212716 1/1
NSN 1940-21-921-2716 (Generic Image) 1/1

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ZNA540-01RS A watercraft with shaped bow and a rigid V bottom hull.
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RQST NE Related Documents 1940-21-921-2716 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-19
Tube Set I-T-4740196RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 4 29 Sep 1996 1940-21-904-5120 1940-21-109-2273 1940-21-921-2716
Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-19/fsc-1940 Small Craft from Canada (CA) 2273 1940-21-921-2716

1940-21-921-2716 Demil Restrictions 1940-21-921-2716


1940-21-921-2716 is a Rigid Inflatable Boat

1940-21-921-2716 End Users End Users 1940-21-921-2716

United States of America (ZZ)

1940-21-921-2716 Manufacturers Approved Sources 1940-21-921-2716

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