
1935004139807 004139807

1935-00-413-9807  1935004139807 004139807

Managed by United States
Data Last Changed
November 2023
NATO Update Count
NATO Data Quality
1935-00-413-9807  1935004139807 004139807 1/1
NSN 1935-00-413-9807 (Generic Image) 1/1

1935-00-413-9807 Stock and Availability Marketplace 1935-00-413-9807

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1935-00-413-9807 RQST NE Amazon

1935-00-413-9807 Related Documents Related Documents 1935-00-413-9807 5+ Documents (More...)

United States (US) 4. 1935-00-413-9807 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management
Request a Quotation from participating marketplace vendors Request Updated Every Day 1935-00-413-9807
RQST Updated Every Day 1935-00-413-9807 RQST NE Related Documents 1935-00-413-9807 2+ Documents ( More
) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-19 Barges and Lighters, Special Purpose (FSC 1935) Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9807
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-19/fsc-1935 Barges and Lighters, Special Purpose from United States (US) Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9807
Special Purpose (FSC 1935) Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9813 1 Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9812 1 Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9807
Purpose from United States (US) Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9813 1 Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9812 1 Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9807
/fsg-19 Barges and Lighters, Special Purpose (FSC 1935) Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9812 1 Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9807
Barges and Lighters, Special Purpose from United States (US) Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9812 1 Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9807
Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9945 1 Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9813 1 Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9812 1 Jan 1900 1935-00-413-9807

1935-00-413-9807 Demil Restrictions 1935-00-413-9807


1935-00-413-9807. This item is a US Munitions List Item and must be mutilated to scrap. This item is not suspected to be hazardous. The precious metals content of this item is unknown.

1935-00-413-9807 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 1935-00-413-9807